Chiller Training Posts

Chiller Training

Pistol Grip or Electric Grease Gun for Chiller Tech

Holden Shamburger 1 minute read Chiller Training

Knowing how to properly grease bearings I find is quite the controversial issue among techs.I'll save that chat for another day but how controversial is... more »

Mixing Chevron & Mobil Grease in HVAC

Holden Shamburger 2 minute read Chiller Training

I have found this to not only be controversial but difficult to research.Can you blend Chevron SRI and Mobil Polyrex (EM) grease?I've had one side... more »

Correct Greasing Practices in Chiller Plants

Holden Shamburger 2 minute read Chiller Training

There is a lot to discuss with greasing practices. There's also a lot to disagree on....I've thought about why there is so much disagreement... more »

P/T Plugs AKA Pete's Plug in Chiller Systems

Holden Shamburger 1 minute read Chiller Training

P/T plugs are a great way to easily and accurately get temperature and pressure readings in hydronic piping. I came up calling them Pete's... more »

Chiller TXV Calibration Timer, Helped My Patience

Holden Shamburger 1 minute read Chiller Training

TXV can be challenging to calibrate. Especially if you lack patience. I found using a timer really helps me to not get too jumpy making adjustments.... more »

Chiller TXV Calibration at Setpoint

Holden Shamburger 1 minute read Chiller Training

Adding to our chats about TXV adjustments.It is best to make adjustments when the load is close to setpoint. For a chiller, this would mean leaving... more »

What is Chiller Load? Chiller Tech Perspective

Holden Shamburger 2 minute read Chiller Training

High load vs Low load on a chiller.What do I really mean?I look at this from a TD perspective. In its simplest form. If my evaporator temp difference... more »

Nylog Alternatives, Sometimes It Doesn't Work

Holden Shamburger 1 minute read Chiller Training

Nylog is truly great in so many ways, but it's not the best fit for everything. One example is coarse threaded fittings. I've had success... more »

Laser Alignments the Way in Chiller Plants?

Holden Shamburger 1 minute read Chiller Training

I came up aligning couplings via dial indicator. My supervisor at the time was a stickler and perfectionist. Rightfully so because a bad... more »

Crimping Electrical Connections

Holden Shamburger 1 minute read Chiller Training

I was crimping terminals wrong for a lot of years!How I found out was at a supply house talking with an electrical connector distributor.He was a very... more »

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