Laser Alignments the Way in Chiller Plants?
Holden Shamburger
Chiller Training
1 minute read
I came up aligning couplings via dial indicator.
My supervisor at the time was a stickler and perfectionist.
Rightfully so because a bad alignment will destroy seals and bearings.
Then I was introduced to laser alignment.
It took me a while to warm up to it. It seemed excessive at first.
I was very comfortable with my old ways with my dial indicators.
Eventually though I began to see the level of accuracy a laser alignment could achieve that was very difficult, if possible, with my dials.
At this point I am a believer in the technology and MANY customers require it with their service work.
Something I find crazy is some techs use a straight edge to align couplings.
Even if it's temporary, that's hard for me to support.
Maybe it's just the way I was brought up....IDK.
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