What are Inputs in Chiller Controls
Holden Shamburger
Chiller Training
1 minute read
Whether it be unit controls or building controls, it is easy to get intimidated by them.
One way to help with this is to start with the basics/fundamentals and build knowledge from there.
A very easy concept to start with is Inputs. Most control circuits are organized to a degree to have a group of terminals/wiring for inputs and a separate group for outputs.
We'll discuss outputs separately.
Inputs are used for two main functions. 1- monitoring system readings. 2- receiving commands.
These can be broken into analog and binary/digital as well but lets keep this simple for now.
An input will typically be referenced with an "i" such as i3. If it is an analog input then ai3 would be used.
Some types of input signals, aka references.
Temp Thermistors
Pressure Transducers
Emergency Shutdown
Safety Switches
If you try to learn the whole picture at once it is overwhelming and can be hard to grasp. Try breaking things to smaller pieces to build a foundation.
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