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Online Chiller Tech Certification
Welcome to Course
Intro to Course (1:32)
Chiller Community Access
Future of Chiller Academy (3:55)
Introduction to Chillers
What is a Chiller? (2:43)
What makes an Air Cooled Chiller (2:36)
What makes an Water Cooled Chiller (4:06)
What is Chiller Hydronic's (4:43)
Why Choose Chillers and be a Chiller Technician (9:38)
Air Cooled Chiller
What is an Air Cooled Chiller (2:10)
Air Cooled Chiller Design (12:07)
Air Cooled Chiller Tonnages (4:29)
Air Cooled Chiller Compressor's (4:45)
Air Cooled Chiller Sequence of Operations (10:59)
Air Cooled Chiller Maintenance (22:52)
Air Cooled Chiller Water Flow (10:31)
Water Cooled Chiller
What is a Water Cooled Chiller (3:36)
Water Cooled Chiller Design (7:06)
Water Cooled Chiller Tonnages (4:20)
Water Cooled Chiller Compressor's (4:02)
Water Cooled Chiller Sequence of Operations (7:32)
Water Cooled Chiller Surging/Stalling (3:54)
Water Cooled Chiller Maintenance (15:27)
Water Cooled Chiller Water Flow (5:09)
Chiller Hydronic's
Chiller Plant Pumps (14:03)
Chiller Plant Pumps Flow Curves (6:16)
Water Loop Head Pressure/Weight (10:05)
Chiller Plant Pump Quarterly Maintenance (31:43)
Chiller Plant Pump Annual Maintenance (20:24)
Chiller Plant Water Loop Bladder Tanks (13:21)
Chiller Plant Water Loop Water Volume (8:29)
Chiller Plant Water Loop Makeup Water Assembly (14:26)
Chiller Plant Water Loop Using Glycol (6:56)
Chiller Plant Water Loop Turbulent Flow & Laminar Flow (8:15)
Chiller Plant Water Loop Chemical Treatment (9:21)
Chiller Terms
Chiller Approach (10:14)
Chiller Two Phase Line (8:20)
Chiller Discharge Superheat (12:28)
Chiller Limit Setpoints and Limit Safeties (11:48)
Chiller Pulldown Mode and Pulldown Setpoints (7:58)
Chiller Eddy Current Testing
Chiller COP (3:44)
Chiller Maintenance Punching Tubes (3:47)
Chilled Water Loop Inversion (5:17)
Chiller Plant Water Loop Wet Well vs Dry Well (5:45)
Scroll Chillers
Scroll Chiller Model's (22:46)
Scroll Chiller Refrigeration Cycles (11:38)
Scroll Chiller Compressor Design (35:22)
Scroll Chiller Staging Control (22:58)
Scroll Chiller Common Components (32:02)
Scroll Chiller Oil Management (11:51)
Scroll Chillers - Process Chillers (12:36)
Scroll Chillers Key Notes (5:53)
Reciprocating Chillers
Reciprocating Chiller Models (17:52)
Reciprocating Chiller Refrigeration Cycles (8:29)
Reciprocating Chiller Compressor Design (37:02)
Reciprocating Chiller Staging Control (19:00)
Reciprocating Chiller Common Components (17:21)
Reciprocating Chiller Oil Management (19:48)
Reciprocating Chiller Key Notes (9:57)
Screw Chillers
Screw Chiller Models (15:49)
Screw Chiller Basic Refrigeration Cycles (20:43)
Screw Chiller Refrigeration Cycles w/ Flash Tank Economizer (9:15)
Screw Chiller Refrigeration Cycles w/ Braze Plate Economizer (6:48)
Screw Chiller Liquid Injection & HGBP (8:01)
Screw Chiller Compressor Designs (24:02)
Screw Chiller Multi Compressor Circuits (0:59)
Screw Chiller Staging Control (29:11)
Screw Chiller Compressor Styles (2:51)
Screw Chiller Metering Devices (1:34)
Screw Chiller Evaporators & Condensers (7:59)
Screw Chiller Liquid Line Drier & Multi MD (1:08)
Screw Chiller Economizers (8:39)
Screw Chiller Control Panels (2:48)
Screw Chiller Condenser Fans (4:46)
Screw Chiller Pump Package (0:40)
Screw Chiller Oil Management (37:57)
Screw Chiller Oil Separators, Equalizers, Filters, Coolers (5:11)
Screw Chiller Oil Recovery w/ Eductors (6:12)
Screw Chiller Key Notes (9:45)
Centrifugal Chillers
Centrifugal Chiller Models (22:01)
Centrifugal Chiller Low Pressure vs High Pressure Chillers (14:38)
Centrifugal Chiller Basic Refrigeration Cycle (7:40)
Centrifugal Chiller Air Cooled Centrifugal (8:22)
Centrifugal Chiller Refrigeration Cycle w/ Economizer (23:07)
Centrifugal Chiller Compressor Motor Cooling (16:03)
What is Centrifugal Chiller Lift (13:23)
What is Centrifugal Chiller Stall (12:47)
What is Centrifugal Chiller Surging (24:42)
What is Centrifugal Chiller Choke (9:21)
Centrifugal Chiller Direct Drive vs Gear Drive (16:37)
Centrifugal Chiller Base Compressor Layout (16:46)
Centrifugal Chiller Multi Stage Compressors (21:58)
Centrifugal Chiller Staging Control Constant Speed w/ IGV (27:49)
Centrifugal Chiller Staging Control Variable Speed w/ IGV (22:23)
Centrifugal Chiller Staging Control Variable Speed w/ VGD (10:08)
Centrifugal Chiller Staging Control Duplex/Multi Compressor (8:23)
What is Centrifugal Chiller IGV (18:06)
What is Centrifugal Chiller VGD (18:07)
What are Centrifugal Chiller Impellers (19:45)
What are Centrifugal Chiller Bearings (21:22)
Centrifugal Chiller Evaporators & Condensers (14:15)
Centrifugal Chiller Heat Recovery (4:55)
What are Centrifugal Chiller Labyrinth Seals (4:24)
Centrifugal Chiller Purge System (17:57)
Centrifugal Chiller Basic Oil Cycle (20:35)
Centrifugal Chiller Overhaul/Teardown (18:05)
Centrifugal Chiller Key Notes (8:55)
VRF Chillers
VRF Chiller Models (5:10)
VRF Chiller Refrigeration Cycle (9:46)
VRF Chiller System Design (6:33)
VRF Chiller Staging Control (4:40)
VRF Chiller Common Components (18:13)
Future of VRF Chillers (18:37)
Chiller Evaporators are an Input Device (11:21)
Chiller Braze Plate Evaporators (10:57)
Chiller Tube in Tube Evaporators (4:51)
Chiller Shell & Tube DX Evaporators (11:33)
Chiller Shell & Tube Flooded Evaporators (10:05)
Chiller Shell & Tube Hybrid Falling Film Evaporators (8:51)
Chiller 1, 2, or 3 Pass Evaporator Flow (4:49)
Chiller Evaporator Flow Sensors (19:23)
Chiller Evaporator Refrigerant Liquid Level Sensors (6:07)
Chiller Evaporator Hot Gas Bypass (5:12)
Chiller Evaporator Maintenance (11:51)
Chiller Remote Evaporator (4:06)
Chiller Condensers are an Output Device (7:48)
Chiller Shell & Tube Condensers (11:54)
Chiller Tube & Fin Condensers (8:28)
Chiller Remote Condenser (4:57)
Chiller Condenser Maintenance (14:35)
Metering Valves
Chiller Metering Valves Pressure Drop/Flow Control (9:07)
Chiller Fixed Orifice Metering Device (3:18)
Chiller TXV - Thermostatic Expansion Valves (21:26)
Chiller EXV - Electronic Expansion Valves (18:14)
Chiller Variable Orifice Valves (6:49)
Starters & VFD
Chiller Unit mounted vs Floor Mounted Drive Panels (5:01)
Chiller XL vs Wye/Delta Starters (7:00)
Chiller Electromechanical Starters (16:37)
Chiller Electromechanical Starter w/ Solid State Soft Start (10:47)
Chiller Solid State Soft Starter (10:20)
VFD in Chillers (15:23)
SCR in Chiller (25:28)
DC Bus in Chillers (18:08)
IGBT in Chillers (23:32)
VFD Bleed Resistors in Chillers (10:36)
Line Filter/Line Reactor in Chillers (12:53)
Shaft Grounding Rings in Chiller Plants (13:01)
Oil Systems & Management
Chiller Oil Pumps (11:27)
Chiller Oil Pressure Differential Flow (14:59)
Chiller Oil Filters (14:13)
Chiller Oil Coolers (12:24)
Chiller Oil Separators (10:12)
Chiller Eductors for Oil Return (23:26)
Chiller Economizers Improve Efficiency (17:13)
Chiller Economizer - Braze Plate Subcoolers (10:10)
Chiller Economizer - Flashing Tanks (19:01)
Control Panels
Chiller Control Theory (14:04)
Chiller Plant Analog & Digital Control Signals (13:01)
Chiller Plant I/O Control Signals - Input & Output (15:10)
Chiller Plant And/Or Controls Logic (21:23)
Chiller Plant Reference/Feedback Control Signals (10:14)
Chiller Plant PID Control Algorithm - Proportional, Integral, Derivative (12:20)
Chiller Plant Communication Protocols (10:58)
Chiller Control Board Components (31:27)
Chiller Plant Isolation Relays - Iso Relays (11:50)
Chiller Control Panel Layouts (21:22)
Chiller Control Wiring Schematic Symbols (51:09)
Chiller Control Wiring Pictorial Schematics (5:52)
Chiller Control Wiring Ladder Schematics (26:22)
Chiller Control Wiring Hybrid Schematics (17:11)
Cooling Towers
Cooling Towers are Water Condensers (13:36)
Chiller Plant Closed Loop Cooling Towers (24:28)
Chiller Plant Open Loop Cooling Towers (21:14)
Chiller Plant Legionnaires in Cooling Towers (8:07)
Chiller Plant Condenser Water Temperature Control (19:45)
Chiller Plant Cooling Tower Modular Design (13:09)
Chiller Plant Cooling Tower Forced Draft vs Induced Draft (8:17)
Chiller Plant Cooling Tower Fan Drive Types (16:54)
Chiller Plant Cooling Tower Basin Level Control (18:19)
Chiller Plant Cooling Tower Flow Balancing (16:01)
Chiller Plant Cooling Tower Maintenance (25:09)
Plant Operations
Chiller Plant Water Loop Designs (28:17)
Chiller Plant Chilled Water Loop Thermal Storage (18:52)
Chiller Plant Sequence of Operations (26:22)
What is a Pony Chiller in Chiller Plant (10:00)
Chiller Plant Freeze Protection (19:25)
Chiller Plant Setpoint Resets (15:29)
Magnetic Bearings Chillers
Principles of Magnetic Bearings (13:56)
Magnetic Bearing Chillers Common Designs (12:27)
Magnetic Bearing Compressors on the Market (26:34)
Future of Magnetic Bearings Chiller (23:33)
Chiller Tech Tools & Software
Chiller Technician Basic Hand Tools (49:00)
Chiller Technician Mechanical Tools (33:53)
Chiller Technician Rigging (15:35)
Chiller Technician Laptops (15:52)
Chiller Technician Refrigerant and Oil Transfer Pumps (10:54)
Chiller Technician Meters (22:01)
Trane TU (6:10)
Trane Tech View (3:49)
York Putty (5:17)
York Access Manager (4:04)
Danfoss SMT (4:59)
MCS (7:52)
Course Exam
Test Prep (11:08)
Final Certification Exam
Congratulations (5:35)
Centrifugal Chiller Basic Oil Cycle
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